
Santiago is in Galicia, in the northwest of Spain.

Santiago has many interesting sights. It receives many visits from tourists and pilgrims.


Obradoiro Square is the city's largest.
Here it´s the main entrance to the Cathedral.

Praza das Praterías faces the oldest part of the cathedral. Its shops have been selling objects made of silver since the Middle Ages

The steps in the Praza da Quintana divide the upper area "Quintana of the living" from the lower area "Quintana of the dead" where there was once a cemetery.

Fonseca College,
which is now the university library,
is located in the Praza de Fonseca.

The word Rúa means "street" in Galician language.
Rúa do Vilar is the city's first street.

Acording to legend, after completing the Road to Santiago, Queen Isabel of Portugal made her way down the Rúa da Raíña (Queen St) on her knees. That's how the street got its name.

You can play, run and go on the swings at Alameda Park.
Some of the park´s trees are over 100 years old.

You´ll meet the "Marías" at the entrance of the park

Santiago has many palaces (called pazos in Galician)
Some of the most important are Xelmirez, San Xerome and Raxoi.

The road to Santiago

Pilgrims from all over the world have been walking to Santiago for centuries.

Pilgrims carry a passport. They get stamps along the way. They obtain "Compostela" when they arrive Santiago.

Pilgrims visit the tomb and hug the Apostle when they arrive.

The symbol of the pilgrims is a shell.
They carry it on their walking stick.

The University of Santiago is over 500 years.

The "Tuna" Compostelana was made up of a group of students, known as tunos, who sang in the streets.

In Santiago you can eat:
Galician Stew
Galician seafood
Santiago almon pie

This LIM is based on:
"Pepe Mouse and his friends in...Santiago de Compostela"

Mercedes Figuerola & Juan Ramón Alonso

Ramón & Paula Carballo de Santiago
Thanks a million to them and their mother, Maite.